When we cross the border from this existence to another, through the doors of death, we enter a different world, formed by several dimensions, those that are partially known by Quantum Physics, and that Transcendental Science knows very well, due to the studies and scientific research that has been developing since the mid-19th century, with undeniable results.
Discover the Spiritual World and our relationship with it. It is good for the soul and makes the heart happy.
OBS: Você encontra o livro “A Bíblia sob nova luz” nas livrarias ou na Editora Giostri.
Everything about the “after”, based on Full Science.
Taking into account that, only when Material Science joins its counterpart, the Transcendental, becoming Full, will it be fulfilling its true role, that of guiding the human being in his material and spiritual life, informing him that our experience here on Earth is the one that determines our spiritual future, happy or unhappy, and applies to all people without exception, since evolution is a universal law.